thing I like most about Evernote is that it is my omnipresent super
organizer. All my notes, web links, bits of thoughts, etc. goes there. When I get home, I can access everything. In fact, I can access
everything wherever I go, such as at a friends' house across the street,
or across the world. I may forget about what I put in Evernote after a
while, but Evernote remembers. It is so much better than relying on
pieces of paper that I might lose or get eaten by a dog. When I am
listening to a lecture, audio recording can be a lifesaver, as that is
how I learn best. I also like that I can search from all my notes, and
that I don’t have to look at or try to decipher my messy writing.
I found that Evernote handles audio recording poorly. Several
times I couldn't save the audio to file after the recording ended. I
pressed the save button yet nothing was saved at all. That was
disappointing as I would really liked to have used the audio notes. Audio notes are important to me not only because they save me time on
typing but also I learn very well through audio. I also have found that
the sound quality of Evernote recordings more muffled sounding than
those made by, for instance, QuickVoice, on iOS. The Evernote iPad app had
crashed several times when trying to open large PDF image files. I
also vehemently disliked the fact that there is no "undo" button in Evernote
I think Evernote could help us better form Evernote study groups. Maybe this is already a feature, but my friends and I shared a notebook
once but that was all. We could have been asking each other
questions in the shared notebook , right within Evernote. I have
heard about Piazza and it seems to help asking questions, even
anonymously. There are so many tools nowadays. I wish there were a
tool to cover all my needs from note-taking, question asking, discussion
to blogging. I also think that a time-line overview of all my notes
would help a lot! For instance, I would like to see how active I have
been tracking a subject over time.